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Upgrade for just {{123}} more per sector and enjoy the benefit of Max.
- web.demo.lang.desc
- Upgrade for just {{123}} more per sector and enjoy the benefit of Max.
- link
Login Authentication
You have already signed in.
Lazy Loading
Lazy loading is supported by route. You can slow down your network and switch page to see the effect.
- React Suspense is applied for Lazy Loading.
- Page snapshot is passed as a component to React Suspense's Fallback.
- You can handle what to display by using the lazy loading state in Redux at React Component.
- Lazy loading progress bar is added on the top of the site.
- For more details, please refers to .README
Form Template Module
Form Template demonstrate pre-defined flow of form submission.
You can clone it from src\modules\templates\form-template to start development.
- Integrated with MUI for default layout
- Integrated with Storybook for UI components spec and showcases
- Integrated with React-hook-form for form builder
- Integrated with Yup for form validation
- Integrated with React-Redux for storing form data to app state
- Integrated with React-Redux-Toolkit for creating Redux-action and reducer
- Integrated with Redux-Saga for form submission to API
- Integrated with React Code-Splitting for lazy loading by module
- Integrated with MSW for API response mocking
- Integrated with MUI Backdrop for Loading Screen
- Defined common error handling
- Form Inline Error Handing
- Page Level Error Handing
- Dialog Level Error Handing (It will happen on the first submission)
Data Fetching
- Integrated with Redux-RTK for simple data fetching
- With RTK, you can write simple logic to fetch and display data without action, reducer, saga and selector.
- With RTK, you do not need to write complex logic for caching and error handling
Google Map Template
The Google Map Client is a wrapper of Google Map JavaScript. It provides the following basic functions. Please free feel to add additional function to the client.
- Current Location
- Zoom to target location
- Put Marker with Info Window on top of it
- Marker On-click Callback
- Error handling for init map (It usually happen on restricted network. You can use it for a fallback solution.)
- Error handling for getting current location
File Download Template
The File Download Client supports downloading a file with Authorization in request header. In this client, you can take control the request and add additional request config as you need. Please free feel to add additional function to the client.
- Download a file with token
- Request failure error handling
Dialog-Level Error Handling
Dialog-Level error handling is a globally defined error dialog.
- Integrated with Redux-Redux for error dialog
Loading Dropback
- MUI Dropback is integrated as full-screen loading.
Error Logger
- Please use Logger to make console log.